A casino is a place where people can gamble and play games of chance. In the past, these places might have simply been public houses where gambling was permitted, but modern casinos often add a range of other attractions to draw in customers. These can include restaurants, free drinks and stage shows. While these luxuries can certainly be a draw for some patrons, it is the gambling itself that generates profits for casinos.
A key aspect of how casinos make money is that every game they offer has a built in mathematical advantage for the house. This advantage may be very small, but over millions of bets it adds up. Combined with the rake from poker and other games where players compete against each other, casinos rarely lose money on individual games.
To ensure that their edge is not abused, casinos carefully monitor and regulate the actions of all their patrons. They also use technology to supervise the games themselves. For example, many of the roulette wheels have a special built in microcircuitry that allows them to be monitored minute by minute; other games have computers that can quickly discover statistical deviations from expected outcomes. All of this enables casinos to guarantee their gross profit. This virtual assurance is what entices large bettors to casinos where they can expect to receive extravagant inducements such as free spectacular entertainment, transportation and elegant living quarters. Even lesser bettors are encouraged with comps such as free food, hotel rooms and limo service.